~ An Hour With You~

The magical world of childhood
How I wish I could visit again
And dream sweet dreams I did back then
When life was simple and easily understood.

Back when everything was simple and sure
With never a thought clouds would cover the sky
To rain tears of sadness and gloom
For sorrows that came by
With no discrimination on whom
And a kiss and smile was the simple cure.

Back when it was easy to fall asleep
With a simple prayer my soul to keep
And angels watched over my head
As I slumbered contented in my bed
With full assurance the angels kept watch over me
And I was happy as could be.

The magical world of childhood opened to me
As I dreamed wonderful dreams of the innocent child
With no darkness to take away my smile
For I was innocent and pure back then
And wish to go back there again.

The magical world of childhood was filled with sweet love
From godly parents who watched over me with tender care
Not stifling my hopes and dreams
And my days were streams of joy like moonbeams
Flooding my heart
Open to a heavenly father who loved me from the start.

The freedom to run through the rain
Feeling the drops on my face
And go barefoot in the spring
Feeling the fresh turned earth
As I raced barefoot through the field.
Smelling the fragrance of gardenia wafting on the air
And my heart lifting as the birds sing
Was a joyous freedom I would like to feel again.

Every stage of life has moments precious to me
With much love from those I meet
Who give friendship and show they care
But none can compare
With the magical world of childhood happy and free.

Though I cannot roll back the years that have been
And return to the magic of back then
I can close my eyes and take a while
To remember the days of yore
And sweet memories flood my mind once more
To again feel love flood my soul bringing to my face a smile.

ŠJane Ward Smith
April 28, 2007


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Top Image By: Sheila

Some tubes from:
Brooke Kroeger Designs

Music: "Memories"
Music by Margi Harrell
Used With Permission
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