~ An Hour With You~


The waves come crashing in
Threatening to overwhelm
Drowning you in a surge of strife
That often overtakes you in life.

Stay safe on shore
As the storm waves roar
So you won't be swept away
With fear of what is threatening you
For on the solid ground
Safety is found.

Often you fail to see the danger
Lurking beneath the surf of the sea
Thinking you are in safe waters
Never realizing the under tow
Can draw you under with its strong force
Much like evil slipping into your life unaware
While you dance among the waves of delight
Never realizing the danger
That would draw you where you do not wish to go.

The light of God's love shines bright
Revealing the surge of the sea waves
And calms the waves that threaten your life
So no longer is there a threat of harm
And no need for alarm.

After the storm has passed away
The sun will emerge from behind the cloud bank
And you realize God has been by your side
Keeping you safe from harm and have Him to thank
As you submit to his guidance every day.

Jane Ward Smithİ
May 19, 2007





Amanda's Amazing Graphics Inspired Art of Danny Hahlbohm

Music: "Rain Song"
"Dolphin's Dream Quietude"
Midi Courtesy Of Dolphin's Dream
Used With Permission

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