~ An Hour With You~


Pick me! Pick me rings the call
Of desperation from behind the wall
To be able to join the others at play
And being able to say
"I am special you see
Because they picked me!"

Everyone seeks affirmation by peers
And gets feedback by what he hears
Filling his heart with despair
If negatives are there
Wishing instead to hear
Others stand up and cheer.

So many times in life we long to be chosen
And find we are passed by
Making us want to cry,
"I was left out, not chosen,
So what is wrong with me?"

Through no fault of mine
I was left behind
With no support and love
When left an orphan child
With no one to hug and give me a smile.
Was I so unlovable no one would care
Or even notice that I was there?

In the game of life each will find
There is always a part to play
Whether out front or behind the scene.
Fulfillment may be found
In being chosen to support others up front
While doing necessary work in the background.

Listen to the whisper in your soul
That love, God will never withhold
But is by your side
Assuring the Father made you from a special mold
So there is no other just like you
And you were picked for special work only you can do.

Take courage and never shrink back
But step forward instead
And express the desires of your heart
So you can make a new start
Finding where you fit in
And a new life begin
Knowing God picked you.

Jane Ward Smith©
May 22, 2007


The image "Child's Prayer" is
© Zolan Fine Arts, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Webdesign ©Majestic Websets

Music: "Here to Comfort You"
By: Bruce Deboer
Copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music.

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