~ An Hour With You~

Dreams come in all sizes and shapes.
It has been said a dream is a wish your heart makes.
Some made when you were small
Others now that you are grown and tall.

Dreams to be like someone you admire
Become your heart's desire
As you watch the life they live
And love to others give.

Dreams of work to realize when you are grown
You aspire to do what you have been shown
Worthy of self and done with pride
A livelihood for family to provide.

Dreams of a family to love
Blessed by the Father above
With children to love and cherish
Make the family whole and complete
And a dream worthy to seek.

Longing for a spiritual connection
To give life direction
Is a dream to be content
With blessings heaven sent.

Life is full and complete
By the dreams you seek.
Though they challenge you,
Following dreams makes you realize
Dreams often do come true.

ŠJane Ward Smith
April 10, 2007

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Music: "Tell Me Your Dreams"
Music by Margi Harrell
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy Her Music

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