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Floater 2

~ An Hour With You~

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Teasingly he called her his butterfly,
Because into his life she flew.
Spending every moment together,
More deeply in love they grew.

So happy she was the day,
When she became his wife.
Vowing to stand beside him,
For the rest of her life.

On special occasions,
For her,
A butterfly he'd buy.
Its secret meaning always,
Brought a happy tear to her eye.

Butterflies decorated their home,
One of her most favorite things
Colours radiant and beautiful,
Upon their silken tiny wings.

But time was not kind to them,
Suffering with illness was his wife.
He tried to prepare himself,
For the day it would take her life.

One day as he tenderly held her hand,
In a fleeting moment she was gone.
Alone and lost without her,
He became reclusive and withdrawn.

Now left behind and on his own,
Heartbroken he cried every night.
The faint scent of her hair lingering,
On her pillow that he held so tight.

Not again within this life time,
The love of his life he will ever see.
His heart shattered into pieces,
So devastated was he.

Upset with the whole world,
And feeling so alone and sad.
Her grave site he visited,
It taking all the strength he had.

By her headstone he sat,
And for her,
He called out for.
Sobbing uncontrollably,
He couldn't hold it back anymore.

One single red long stemmed rose,
Within his hand he held.
Filled with so much anger and hurt,
Into the air he yelled.

I'm so mad at you,
And I miss you so.
So much pain you put me through,
More then you could ever know.

You vowed to never leave me,
Yet here I am alone.
I've lost the only true love,
That I have ever known.

You were my whole world,
Even now you still are.
No longer can I hold you tight,
I can only love you from afar.

I can't believe that you left me,
Tell me what I am to do.
I need you to come back,
I can't go another day without you.

Slowly he rose and stood up,
Looking up towards the sky.
Searching for a reason or an answer
He said,
Can you tell me why.

Feeling sorry for himself,
With tears streaming down his face.
A butterfly then fluttered nearby,
On her headstone it landed with grace.

Bewildered he gazed upon it,
Not quite sure of what to do.
He held out a trembling hand,
In which,
The butterfly flew onto.

The butterfly then watched him,
As he took in a long deep breath.
A peace unexplainable fell over him,
For the first time since her death.

How could this tiny butterfly,
Bring to him such comfort and relief.
At a time when he needed it the most,
When he was filled with so much grief.

The butterfly just rested there,
So beautiful and without fear.
And for just one glorious second,
A vision of his wife,
He saw so clear.

Shortly thereafter,
Into the air the butterfly flew.
Its wingtips gently brushing his lips,
It was then that he knew.

The angelic butterfly,
Was she,
A vision of beauty nothing could compare.
Her essence and her presence he felt,
As it fluttered within the air.

Consoling him like she always did,
Within their short lifetime.
When all was right in their world,
And their love at its prime.

He said I will always love you,
Down upon his knees he fell.
Until we meet again my love,
I'll bid you,
A fond farewell.

Never will I forget you,
In my heart you'll always be.
One fine day I'll come,
So please,
Wait for me.

He watched the butterfly spiral upwards,
Until it disappeared high into the sky.
For the second time she had flown into his life,
His cherished.

©Elizabeth Ann Bushey


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Music: "Butterfly"
"Dolphin's Dream Quietude"
Midi Courtesy Of Dolphin's Dream
Used With Permission

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