God sent His only Son,
From earth to Glory.
He bled and died,
Upon a rugged tree.

So, I want to joyously,
Tell the wondrous story,
Of how He broke sin's chains,
And set me free!

Each day I live,
The time is growing nearer,
When I shall reach the finish of life's race!

Each step I take,
The way is growing clearer!
Soon I shall look,
Upon His blessed face!

Oh, I want to sing,
A song for my Beloved,
Though with mere words,
I could never tell it all.

Oh, how my heart is stirred,
Down deep within me!
My soul is ever listening,
For His call!

Robert F. Dotsonİ
Copyrighted 2007


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Music: "My Praise Song"

Words by Larry A. Hamblen;
Music by Jerry D. Hamblen.
Hamblen & Hamblen Musicİ 1995
Used With Permission

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