In the cool of the evening
After a hot sultry day,
I mosey out on the porch
To watch the children play.

The girls are playing jump rope
The boys playing marble in a ring,
The baby is in the playpen
Just taking in about everything.

Mister the dog is frantic as can be
Trying to grab the rope as it goes around,
He barks ever so loud and jumps as high
As he can as the rope touches the ground.

The Whippoorwills, Katydids and Owls
Are announcing their arrival for the night,
The shadows are growing long and fading
Darkness will arrive, soon no more daylight.

The evening is quiet; the old chair is comfortable
Night is now upon us; it’s almost time to call it a day,
For now I will relax and enjoy the night's enchantment
While the wind makes the trees and limbs swing and sway.

Shirley Oremland Smith







Original Artwork:  Artist unknown
(derived from a scanned Greeting Card)


Music: "Southern Nights"

Sequenced By: Jack Hall
Used With Permission

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