Traveling across the midnight sky,
Could this be a dream?
Wondering how I'm doing this,
Have I developed wings?

Soaring across the darkened sky,
Passing planets and many stars,
Heading toward a speck of light,
I know I've traveled far.

And yet I keep traveling,
Through the darkness and the night,
Everything seems to blur,
Except this speck of light.

This force draws me closer,
The pull is so immense,
My eyes are fixed on the light,
Does this make any sense?

Questions are swirling in my head,
But a voice says, "Look and see.
Don't be afraid my precious child,
Open your arms and come to Me."

The light is getting brighter,
The darkened sky is fading away,
No more stars or planets,
As I continue on my way.

Looking back from whence I came,
Visions of my life come into view,
All the things I've done and said,
All the things I've been through.

I turn and look into the light,
It envelopes my heart and soul,
I hear a voice softly say,
"I love you child; welcome home."

Chee Chee Martin
© 2010









© Touch A Memory
Graphis Design...©Touch A Memory
Art © Freydoon Rassouli

Music: "Awakening"

Midi Courtesy Of Dolphin's Dream
Used With Permission

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