Summer is here sizzling hot
And the corn is growing high
Seeming to reach the sky
But its succulent ears
Ripe for the pulling
Yield a sumptuous dish
When fried or boiled on the ear
Is greeted with happy cheer.

Flowers sending fragrance sweet
Birds singing tweet, tweet, tweet
The grass growing knee high
Causing me to sigh
But what a joy to see the lawn
Well groomed at early dawn
Leaving a smooth carpet of green
With luscious sheen
Bordered with flowers of every hue
Tickling the eyes of me and you.

Cool evening breeze
Brushing our brow
As day slips into night
With more beauty to delight...
Twinkling stars studding the ebony sky
Moonbeams giving a soft glow
While a symphony of music of the night
Calms as the heat of the day
Ebbs gently away
Leaving me in awe
Of this wonderful summer day.

ŠJane Ward Smith
June 20, 2010





Music: "End Of Summer"

Composed And Performed By T.J. Moir
Used With Permission


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