I wasn't there when they crucified my Lord,
When they nailed Him to the Cross,
Or pushed the crown of thorns onto His Head,
I wasn't there that day He suffered the Blood He lost.

But I know it to be true,
He was spat upon,
And dragged through the street,
And all because of me and you.

Would you have done the same for Christ,
So someone else be freed?
God turned away from His only Begotten Son,
As He hung there on that tree.

How could God turn away from His only beloved Son?
Because He could not look upon sin,
And Jesus bore our sins,
As Jesus died alone.

Our sins are what sent Him there,
Was nothing He had done,
There had to be a perfect sacrifice,
And Jesus was the perfect One.

I've often wondered what I would have done,
Had I been there that day.
No one could have stopped His death,
For God knew it had to be that way.

In the place where He was crucified,
Was a garden, and in the garden a tomb,
They laid Jesus there where no one had yet been laid,
Wrapped with strips of linen and myrrh
And aloes like perfume

On the third day the tomb was found empty,
The stone had been rolled away,
Jesus had risen just as he had said He would,
He arose on that third day.
John 19: 20

Revelation 1:7 Behold He is coming with clouds,
And every eye will see him.
Verse 8: " I am Alpha and the Omega, the
Beginning and the End," says the Lord,
Who was and who is to come, the "Almighty."

Faye Reyenga © 3 / 7 / 2009


Music: "Because He Lives"

Sequenced By: Redsal
© Sal Grippaldi, Redsal
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy His Music

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