Lord, may the sweet perfume of light
Be as a thousand eyes
And my heart be one
So my whole life be alive
With love pure and bright.

Let goodness surround me
Like sweet perfume
So all I do be pleasing in Thy sight
And those I meet along the way
Receive blessings from Holy Light
Shining through me.

May love surround like
Perfume of a perfect rose...
The Rose of Sharon...
Whose love flows through me
Reaching out to others that they see
I am sustained by perfect love
From heaven above.

Would that goodness from those I meet
Who show goodness from their heart
Flowing constant and free
Surround me like sweet perfume
So I know that within me
Is goodness for others to see.

Fragrance from a beautiful rose
Awakens my senses to show
It enhances the beauty God did create
To bless all taking time to appreciate
That nature of which we are a part
Is beautiful and good
Created to glorify the Creator
And all manhood.

Help me view creation I see
And listen to songs of nature...
Songs of birds and the evening breeze
As well as the echo of the human voice
Or a train whistle as it passes by
Were all made by choice
To surround like sweet perfume
Signifying the goodness and majesty
Of a loving and awesome Creator.

ŠJane Ward Smith
January 19, 2010



Music: "Light of The Heart"

Used With Permission

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