It’s so hard to be an Eagle
When you’re stymied or you’re stuck
Or when evil turns to legal
In a world that’s run amuck

But if you’re prone to concentrate
On things that pass away
You’ll find those thoughts can dominate
Each moment of your day

While pressing onward to the mark
And upward to the prize
Don’t end up wandering in the dark
With blinders on your eyes

Just seek and find the Father’s Face
And plead the Blood of Christ
He offers Peace and Joy and Grace
He made the sacrifice

Take time each day to stop and pray
For people placed around you
This act of faith can make your day
The blessings will astound you

You’ll soar to heights, you’ve never known
You’ll run and not be weary
You’ll trust in God and Him alone
He’s more than just a theory

He Rules and Reigns, He does Redeem
There’s no one to compare
With Hope in Him you’ll soar supreme
Like Eagles in the air !!!

© Jim Lake

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with
wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk and not faint.




Original Artwork:  "Eagles Perch", Artist unknown

Music: "How Great Thou Art"

Sequenced By: Bob Barnes
Used With Permission

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