I need renewal in my soul.
Time in the valley has taken its toll.
Days seem endless.
Grief erases the passing of hours.
My tears come in showers.

Clocks are silent and still.
Dregs of sorrow my cup does fill.
No place do I seem to fit
As my soul sinks into a bottomless pit.

With sunshine of a new day
My broken heart begins to stir
And my leaden spirit begins to lift
As I mark the days that shine
Leaving darkness behind.

I climb from the edge of despair
Wishing no longer to be there
Leaving behind all fear and dread
As joy once again floods my soul
Giving renewed strength to face the days ahead.

ŠJane Ward Smith
April 20, 2010












Music: "Hope"
Music by Margi Harrell
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy Her Music

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