When Grandma heard the words, "'Til death do us part,"
She surely let them sink down deep into her heart!
And, when Grandpa was dead and gone,
She lost the desire to live on!

Grandma and Grandpa had a "passel of kids " numbering eleven!
Friend, my Grandma's life on Earth was anything but Heaven.
But, through it all her spirit remained strong,
And Grandma always seemed to have a song!

When she sang about "The Pearly White City, "
To a young lad's ears it sounded mighty pretty!
And Ah yes, I always loved the way,
She sang "The Unclouded Day!"

Then, when Grandma sang "Fifty Miles of Elbow Room,"
It certainly seemed to dispel the gloom!
Sometimes Grandma might slip a little boy a piece of money,
Or tell a story we both thought was funny!

After all these years I remember well,
My interest in the stories she would tell!
Each Summer I looked forward to spending a week,
At my Grandma's house near Johnson Creek!

At Christmas when Grandma's shopping was all done,
Everybody had a gift including each granddaughter and grandson!
Grandma was plagued with diabetes the latter part of her life.
But, she remained a loving Grandmother, Mother, and wife!

Even when she lost a leg she didn't just sit there.
She cooked and kept house from a wheelchair.
At the end of her life when diabetes had taken its toll,
God's angels came and bore away my Grandma's soul!

Friend, my Grandma had so filled my heart with joy,
That even now I have precious memories of when I was a boy!
Did she make a positive impression on me?
Yes Sir! Yes Ma'am!

You see, Grandma helped make me the caring person that I am!

Robert F. Dotson © 2009










Music: "Grandma You Brought Sunshine To My Life!"

By Elton Smith
Copyright © 1999 Elton Smith
Used With Permission

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