The bright lights all around the City,
The fancy gown and party,
Handbag, you so handsome in a tux,
Sing of sweetest times to me.

I remember the way we were yet,
It seems so long ago when,
We were teenagers falling in love,
Oh I wish we were again.

Funny, how an evening out has brought,
Back all those romantic days,
When you and I couldn't do enough,
To please in so many ways.

Yes the night's tender for young lovers,
Dinner and dancing and all,
I still remember waiting by the,
Phone for your important call.

Just hearing your voice made me feel warm,
How I wanted you to kiss,
Me lighting up the heavens and stars,
All that sweet closeness I miss.

Oh the sparkling lights in the sky speak,
Magical moments to me,
And I wonder if you feel the same,
Hoping like me love will be.

Remember how you'd look at me and,
Smile sweeping me up in your,
Arms swirling me around until I'd,
Laugh and we'd land on the floor.

I guess those times are gone forever,
We don't seem to hold or touch,
Anymore or even talk or laugh,
Let alone meeting for lunch.

Memories of the sweetest days cast,
Images in my mind's eye,
As I'm watching all life's most precious,
Times slowly passing us by.

Why is it little shadows live on,
Aimlessly wandering along,
The pathways to my heart lighting the,
Way we were, do we belong?

© Sondra McPherson
11 January 2010








Music: "The Way We Were"
Easy Listening with the Duchess
Words & Music by Marvin Hamlisch,
Alan Bergman & Marilyn Bergman
The Way We Were Sequenced by HMW

Used With Permission

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