Rise above the clouds
That block out the light
Of love always there
Covering imperfections
And see truth clear and bright.

Cloud covering limits the view
Of what is possible for you.
Out of sight the star
On which to hitch dreams
Pulling you Oh so far.

Clouds open now and then to allow
A glimpse of possibilities peaking through
Of going the distance without giving up
On golden dreams within the heart of you.

Above the clouds the mountain top you see
Piercing through the clouds
And a golden sun rising to claim the day
Burning the clouds of doubt away
Allowing you to rise above it all
If on the Lord you call.

ŠJane Ward Smith
May 3, 2009


Photograph ŠUntil Then Graphics

Music: "Swept Away"

Midi Courtesy Of Dolphin's Dream
Used With Permission

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