Image By Dark Blue Knight

Harry Campbell died yesterday
It hurt when I got the word
He’s safe and well with Peggy now
Passing away in his sleep, I heard

Red and Tex, as they were known
Had been friends with Luke for years
They welcomed me with open arms
With a friendship warm and dear

I can see them sitting on the porch
Retirees watching the world go by
Tex in her rocker; Red in his chair
Greeted by neighbors and passers-by

So many times, we visited them
And talked from their front stoop
Of old times and of new times
Keeping each other in the loop

Sweet Peggy died in 2006
And Harry trudged on alone
Dependent now on oxygen
His daughter moved into his home

Red and I have always kept in touch
On the phone and with Christmas cards
“I’m going to miss you, my dear friend.
Please give Luke and Peggy my regards.”

Kathleen McCoy Eldridge©
February 12, 2009
All Rights Reserved

Image By Dark Blue Knight





Image By Dark Blue Knight







Image By Dark Blue Knight

Music: "Precious Memories"

Performed By Wanda Fischer
Used With Permission
Please Go and Buy her Music

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