Majestic mountains reaching up towards the sky
With such beauty to fill a young lad's eye
A calling which started long ago with my Dad
As he took to the mountains every chance that he had

Taking us among rolling hills and clear gentle streams
What memories he did leave us to carry in our dreams
Watching a big full moon rise high on a Summer night
Giving such a beauty to the mountains with its light


The call of the mountains Dad instilled in my soul
And though I lived near the big City Shenandoah was my goal.
When I was finished school to those mountains I did come
Not even knowing where my work or food would come from

In a little six room house with no water and only a path
Chopping wood for the tin heater for water for a bath
Times were sure hard but I could always smile
For the beauty of the valley made it all worthwhile


Swimming or fishing at the creek, we made our own fun
Or just a walk along the bank was nice when we were done
Swinging over the water on the grapevine was always a treat
And such fun to cool off from the hot Summer heat

That was long ago when I began having my Dad's dreams
But I still can see in his eyes that far away gleam
When he would plan for those trips, the days a countin'
I'm carrying out Dad's dream for those majestic mountains

Sept 9 2008 by John T. Smithİ

Heavens Gates


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Song: "Stardust"

Sequenced by Mel Webb
Courtesy of Smick and Smodoo 

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