Rest in the knowledge
That God has for you
Every good and perfect gift
To bless all your life through.

The good gift of provision
Food to keep you well fed
And the Bread of life to nourish your soul
His Word hidden in your heart
Lifting you up as you grow in faith
Traveling down the paths He has led.

The gift of friendship
To bring joy as you share
The good and the bad
Smiles of joy and happiness
And times you are sad
With a connection between
To affirm and bless.

The good gift of nature
Bringing beauty to delight...
The trill of a song bird to hear
Colorful butterflies floating by
The golden moon casting its glow
And twinkling stars lighting the sky
Blessing you to know
God is ever near.

The gift of art in many forms
Lifting your soul to new heights
As you listen and see
An aria, a painting or poetry
Talents on display
Blessing every day.

The perfect gift of love
From family dear
And friends far and near
And best of all God's unconditional love
From heaven above.

ŠJane Ward Smith
September 2, 2008