God is the power of our love I,
Know He is while looking High,
In the sky imagining we kiss,
Loving you so I could cry.

Truly I'm just lonely without you,
Hungering to feel your touch,
You holding me tightly in your arms,
My only, I need you much.

The soft whisperings in my heart speak,
And I must have you with me,
Trembling frightened I want to be held,
By you before we marry.

No other woman could have more joy,
Than I blessed by the Lord for,
He gave me to you as your woman,
To be your Wife to adore.

And He gave me you to be my man,
And for always my Husband,
To Be, I'll love you like no other,
Forever by you I'll stand.

I hear beautiful heavenly sounds,
On the gentle wings of love,
Looking at you and I together,
In sweet repose up Above.

I'm waiting as your Bride To Be in,
The lovely light breeze today,
Remembering you're the breath of my,
Heart and soul, ever I pray.

When we become one today right here,
On this romantic island,
Expressing vows from our hearts we'll be,
Husband and Wife by God's Hand.

© Sondra McPherson
01 August 2008










Tutorial From

Music: "Power Of Love"
"Dolphin Dream's Midi Ocean"
Midi Courtesy Of Dolphin Dream's Midis
Used With Permission

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