I come to You
For l love You so much
And You stroke my hair
With a comforting touch.

There are times when I am shy
Not knowing what to do
But You touch my heart with a smile
Letting me understand
That You were once like I.

When I am lonely and sad
You always seem to know
And across the miles
A message You send
Letting me know You are my friend
Making my heart glad.

The comforting touch of a word
Fitly spoken
When a heart is broken
Wipes away every tear
So no longer is there fear
For Your loving word is heard.

There are times it is up to me
To reach out to another in need
To touch and a comfort be
So You need not feel alone
With all hope gone.

God reaches down with love
And sends a loving touch
Healing the soul in pain
Bring ease again and again
With a comforting touch.

©Jane Ward Smith
July 9, 2007




Music: "Here To Comfort You"
By: Bruce Deboer
Copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music.

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