It was the fall of Nineteen and Ninety,
If my memory serves me right.
And our revival with the Edenfields,
Was in its fourth night!!

Brother Gary is a "Holy Ghost" preacher,
And his wife beautifully sings!
We had seen them once before,
At Youth camp in Shady Springs!

They came to us highly recommended,
By other Churches across our land!
And, now we were face to face,
With God's anointed "Holy Ghost man!'

My wife, Linda and I were faithful to attend,
Our Church at Dryden Road!
About ten years earlier we made it,
Our permanent spiritual abode!

We had seen the power of the Holy Ghost,
Many, many, times before,
As He moved upon God's people,
From the front back to the door!

When the Holy Ghost moved,
We would mostly just look!
It was like we saw "what was on the menu",
But we never partook!

But, this revival was to be different,
According to God's plan!
God used as His instrument,
Brother Gary, "The Holy Ghost man!"

On the third night of the revival,
My wife went forward to pray!
God gloriously filled her with the Holy Ghost,
The "one and only way!'

I must admit she superseded me climbing,
The Heavenly ladder's rungs,
As she received the Holy Ghost,
And spoke "with other tongues!"

My Friend, right away I saw a great difference in her!
And, something way down deep inside me began to stir!
I knew then and there what I was longing for!
Yes, I had salvation! But, I needed a whole lot more!

Well, I kept trying to hold out and stay back at my pew!
But, the "good Brothers" kept coaxing me,
Like good Holiness Brothers do!
The devil said, "They will hurt you."

And I wondered if they would.
But, eventually I went forward!
I'd held out as long as I could.
I sure did receive the Holy Ghost!

My cup "was on overflow!"
Why I worried about getting hurt in the first place,
I will never know!
A night or two later, I was standing and praising the Lord!

Once again the Holy Ghost was moving,
As our hearts "were in one accord!'
All at once my head began to shake,
As my arms stretched up and out!

The Holy Ghost "got on me" and I began to shout!
It was the most glorious feeling ever known to mortal men!
And since that very first time,
I've shouted again and again!

I don't make that statement to lift myself up or to glorify me!
I owe all that I've become to Jesus, "the Man from Galilee!'
I'm sure glad God sent the Edenfields our way!

We see them every time we can!
We'll never forget the revival we had,
With "Brother Gary, "The Holy Ghost man!'

Robert F. Dotson © 2007




Music: "Pour Your Spirit Out"

Original Songs Of Tom Lasco
©Tom Lasco
Used With Permission

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