The flowers stand on proud stalks
There, where my Savior walks
They open their petals for Him to see
Their long lasting fragrance and beauty.

I cannot see His flowing robes of white.
But I know there in my garden is Holy light
For every flower He touches may
I know be lovelier the next day.

Like in the Garden of Gethsemane
He prays where no one can see
But, I know He prays in my garden fair
Because all the flowers
Bow their heads on prayer.

Whenever I feel the need
To restore my soul
I pray in the garden
For He can make me whole.

Worry, sorrow and all life’s troubles
Seem to melt away like soap bubbles
For my Jesus knows I love him so much.
I await His healing tender touch.

Time will fly by and some appointed day
Will come for us to meet I pray
Because of Him my garden has
Become hallowed ground
The animals and birds mingle all around.

It is a safe, secure and special place
Where I may meet my Master face to face.

©Carol G. Oliver

Music: "In the Garden"
Music by Margi Harrell
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy Her Music

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