Let me go to those far away places
That promise interesting sites to see.
Places and people with smiles on their faces
And climates that comfort me.

I imagine a train trip through the land
Over open prairie and to the mountain top.
Swaying with the rhythm of the wheels on the track
I glimpse the landscape wishing never to stop.

Flying high above and seeing in miniature
Patches of forest and field sewn together by fence and stream
Making a mosaic, the prettiest ever seen.
God painted this masterpiece, I am sure.

At the ship's rail I see the ocean blue, calm and serene
And fluffy white clouds of imaginary creatures floating high overhead.
I dream of where I am going and where I have been.
The ship sails smoothly along
Toward God's wonderful creations waiting to be seen.

Monuments at the Capitol and homes of founding fathers beckon to me.
The caves, rock formations, rivers with a mighty water fall,
Grand Canyon as well as the redwood trees standing tall
Reveal God's mighty works for all to see.

Spectacular buildings with spires rising to the sky
Direct us to praise God who blessed us with it all.
Theme parks scattered over the land are great to visit and have fun.
Distant lands call me to see Big Ben, windmills, museums and great art
And the Seven Wonders like the Taj Mahal.

Wonderful places near and far to visit and see
Beckon to the spirit of adventure in you and me.
Time to explore and enjoy is easy it seems
Even if only in my dreams.

©Jane Ward Smith
January 28, 2004

Music: "On A Distant Shore"
By: Bruce Deboer
Copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music

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