I hope this letter finds you
so far across the miles
because I miss your laughter
the brightness of your smile

Dad's out Christmas shopping
last minute gifts, you know
I'm sure you can remember
just how he rushes so

Blankets of snow are forming
each flake the purest white
sweet thoughts of you play hopscotch
in the spirit of this night

Recalling Christmas yesteryears
when you were young, 'bout three
'n how your eyes would twinkle
your spirit so carefree

Your Dad and I stood watchful
as you grew to love the world
wanting to save most everything
our determined little girl

The love you have for country
'n meaning of the flag
our GI Jane now serving
in deserts of Iraq

Sweetheart we love and miss you
'n Pray this war will end
so we can be together
joined by lifelong friends

Always in my pocket
are golden locks of hair
ringlet curls from childhood
dear daughter, keeps you near

The treetop has a shimmer
with twinkling lights of blue
'n honey, I remember
your bright eyes sparkle too

Tonight as we hung stockings
'n played our favorite songs
tears of sadness lingered
you always sang along

The snow outside is mounting
'n takes me back in time
when sleighs were pulled by reindeer
your favorite Christmas rhyme

'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring
not even a mouse'

You always loved that story
how well I can recall
on Daddy's lap with blankie
'til off to sleep you'd fall

I know your Dad is lonely
it's written in his eyes
each word of you he whispers
o'reflows with love and pride

For dead and wounded soldiers
I just can't help but cry
their sacrifice for country
enwraps me deep inside

Know that we are Praying
for you and comrades too
we send support, our gratitude
for everything you do

Cassie keeps your picture
on her dresser in full view
has all your notes 'n letters
she's so darn proud of you

Well, guess I should get going
must try to get some sleep
'fore drifting off in slumber
I'll Pray your soul He'll keep

This letter sealed with tear drops
rich Blessings inside placed
'n tender hugs from Daddy
a kiss 'pon every page

Merry Christmas, sweetheart
your gifts wait 'neath the tree
wrapped with lace 'n ribbons
'til you return to me

With all my Love

I'll leave the porch light on...

© Rose Marie Streeter
(All rights reserved)

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Some tubes from Jane's Country Tubes

Music: "Blue Christmas"
Easy Listening With The Duchess
Holiday Section
Courtesy Of The Duchess
Used With Permission

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