~ An Hour With You~



Through the journey of my life
I took whatever came along
With a smile and a happy song
Causing neither stress nor strife.

My life seemed to be fine
For much happiness and joy was mine
And I considered myself not a bad girl
As I lived life in a whirl.

I blithely went along never taking into account
The sin debt beginning to mount
Until God touched my heart to show
There was a better way to go.

Then I bowed my head and wept
For all the time my heart slept
Unaware of a better way
To spend each and every day.

No longer was I blind.
God opened my eyes to see
The gift of life for me to claim
Paid for by Christ's death on the cross.
I accepted the gift and in the Book of Life
He wrote my name.

ŠJane Ward Smith
January 10, 2007






Photo courtesy of Image Cafe
Websets by Dietz Designs

Music: "He Whom the Son Makes Free"

Composed And Performed By
Hamblen & Hamblen
Used With Permission

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