~ An Hour With You~


Angelic child looking at God's Creations,
Sees the petals of a flower as fascinating,
A chrysalis that reveals a colorful butterfly,
Brings forth cries that are exhilarating.

Tall blades of grass, long and green,
Pretty roses grown on thorny vines,
A tree that sways in gentle winds,
All are a part of God's great design.

Do you wonder from whence it came,
A big bang or from God's loving hands,
He created all that these eyes see,
It came into being by His command.

Wonders of creation so breathtaking,
Beauty to behold is everywhere,
It's God's garden of life in which we live,
In all things we see His artistic flair.

A clear blue sky, a sunset across the horizon,
A forest in deepest green, a colorful rainbow,
These are some of the wonders of creation,
God's sweet blessings sends my heart aglow.

Gayle Davisİ
16 May 2006



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