~ An Hour With You~

A father’s love is too wonderful,
It’s strongly rooted in his heart,
And there’s a sweet look gently bursting,
Forth joy to forever impart.

Love’s upon the face of a father,
As he holds his first born son’s hand,
Remembering the proud moment when,
His baby boy began to stand.

A father’s love beams bright in his eyes,
Holding back tears that try to spill,
Prayers to God one morn saved his boy,
Sweet healing breaths blew warm to fill.

Happiness lives in a father’s love,
As he watches his son’s image,
Shoot up from a boy to a young man,
He’ll hug and love at any age.

A father’s love is proud yet humble,
Remembering sweet love birthed his boy,
Now hopes and dreams of his heart come true,
When his boy laughs big with such joy.

Love’s upon the face of this father,
As he embraces each moment,
Thanking God for his three children,
And His precious Love He so sent.

A father’s love is too birthed anew,
When his only son calls to say,
“Happy Father’s Day Dad, I love you,
Are you coming over today?”

©Sondra McPherson
03 June 2006


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Music: "Happiness"
Jalal's Original Musical Compositions
Composed and Sequenced by Jalal Ali
Copyright By: Jalal Ali
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy His Music
