~ An Hour With You~


Three Rusty Nails

The time is drawing near again,
When Jesus was crucified,
They hung Him on a rugged cross,
And they left Him there to die.

"Oh the pain" He must have suffered,
It brings tears running down my eyes,
To know that it was all for us,
And all mankind worldwide.

Three rusty nails were driven,
With spikes into His feet and hands,
They took a sword, pierced His side,
As He hung up there on high.

No wonder there were earthquakes,
And trembles on that day,
But the part that hurts most of all,
His own disciples ran away.

But victory was to be His again,
Because death did not conquer Him,
For He arose as was promised to us,
That is why in Him we trust.

He abides in heaven to this day,
Sitting on His throne,
And waiting for His Father to say,
Go bring My children home.

Ann Hart©

Ann Hart©
A Good Deed If Done With Love,
Will Never Be Forgotten,
A Good Intention Is Useless If It,
Doesn't Get Beyond A Thought!

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Webset ©Majestic Websets

Music: "The Ballad Of The Cross"

Copyright © 1997
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
Used With Permission
