~ An Hour With You~

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  Someone I Use To Know

Not so very long ago,
Someone I used to know,
Was a bashful barefoot boy.
Like a warm summer breeze,
He was free as you please.
Even simple pleasures brought him joy!

He did things a kid likes,
Such as taking hikes.
This created a love for nature inside!
Also, in memory he muses now,
About how he rode a cow.
It sure was a bumpy ride!

He didn't desire expensive things,
Like gold, silver, and diamond rings.
Life was a fishing pole, hook, line, and sinker!
On balmy Summer days,
Into the skies he would gaze.
This young man was a serious thinker.

He did his share of work.
His duties he did not shirk.
However, he loved to exercise his mind.
While gazing into the wild blue yonder,
Many questions he would ponder.
The answers he endeavored to find.

As on this earth he trod,
The young man acquired a love for God,
And he longed to help his fellow man.
Yet, for a time he strayed.
But, later in life He prayed,
"Oh God, I want to live according to Your plan!"

Now many years have passed by,
And an old man gazes into the sky.
As the lad did so long ago.
I see the young man in my mind,
And I'm not surprised to find,
I'm that someone I used to know!

Robert F. Dotson © 2006


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Music: "The Happiest Times"
Jalal's Original Musical Compositions
Composed and Sequenced by Jalal Ali
Copyright By: Jalal Ali
Used With Permission


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