~ An Hour With You~

Rest my angel love on God’s brushed cloud,
So glorious and sweetly spun,
Even dreams reach all celestial heights,
Bright as moonbeams and rays of sun.

Float along peacefully in heaven,
In the midst of bright twinkling stars,
Reach out and touch one Oh feel God's warmth,
His Love and sweet glow lasts for hours.

Rest my angel love in God's sweet peace,
It’s flamboyant and heavenly,
As God's angels sing you lullabies,
Sleep away all your cares in glee.

So glorious and brilliant's dreamland,
Magnificent stars are night lights,
Preciously lit aglow just for you,
To help you snooze through sleepless nights.

Rest my angel love dream of pretties,
Twinkles that light, stars glowing bright,
Even the rainbow's path far above,
Colors lead to a slumber's height.

Sleep little baby sleep in dreamland,
On your fluffy brushed cloud of God,
Rest my angel love as sparkles sow,
Sweet dreams of heavenly Love awed.

©Sondra McPherson
08 February 2006


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Music: "Glorious"

Original Songs by MidiSandy
copyrighted" By: Sandra Bradley
Used With Permission


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