~ An Hour With You~

Growing Love

Why does "Love" leave one's heart
To vanish, and simply disappear
Love, so plentiful, from the start
Now....... Is no longer there ?

I tend to think it’s like ... The seed
It Is planted, then starts to grow
Being sure to water, and to weed
Will cause it to bloom, you know

It has to have, plenty of warmth
Helping it to grow, real strong
And giving lots of "Son" Shine
To help it, sprout right along.....

It must be nourished, everyday
With praise, be sure to shower
Thus, enjoying the "Fruits Of Labor"
You’ll see beauty in.... the flower

So learn a lesson from the seed
To cultivate love, in your heart
Taking care of it's, every need
It will stay..... And not depart!

Judith Johnson Kypta
Copyright © 2006

Mark 12:30
And Thy Shalt Love The Lord
Thy God With All Thy Heart
And With All Thy Soul, And
With All Thy Mind And With
All Thy Strength. And this is
the First Commandment

Mark 12:31
And the Second Commandment
is namely this,
Thy Shall Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself
There is none other Commandment
as great as these...

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Music: "Dreams"
Music by Margi Harrell
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy Her Music
