~ An Hour With You~

When everyone has failed me,
even those who love me most,
and I can not see clearly,
only You Lord remain close.

When people point out my wrongs,
You show me the good I have wrought.
I know You will make me strong,
as I encounter this painful lot.

When others cut me into pieces,
taking my heart, severing apart,
You pick up all the remnants
and turn them into a work of art.

When the tears cascade,
each teardrop You contain.
Whenever I am betrayed,
forever true, You remain.

I will not look to please mankind;
I can not measure up to perfection.
You will take the heavy load that binds,
and lead me in the right direction,

as I rest in You.




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Music: "My One True Friend"

Sequenced By Jack Hall
Used With Permission


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