~ An Hour With You~

Last night I had an awful dream,
I was working on a building’s beam,
I slipped and fell~~~oh what a fright.
The beam fell on my eye, I lost my sight.

Awake and shaken, yet I could see~~~
That dream was as real as it could be.
With careful thought, I realized
My Lord had spoken in disguise.

“Consider the beam in thine own eye”
What beam Lord? Was my humble cry~~~~
The works of the flesh are manifest
Have you found in me some prejudice?

Have I not LOVED as You have taught?
Have I not shared my gifts You Sought?
To grant to me, have I been unfair?
Has there been some pain I could have spared?

Have I not been forgiving unto those
Who have tried to hurt me, heaven knows???
Has there been some law that I have broken?
Was there a time when I have been “misspoken?”

Have I been sadistic, have I caused some strife?
Have I inflicted pain into some one’s life?
Have I caused Your Spirit to moan and cry?
By some lascivious act, that I later denied?

Have I reaped my own reward?
By claiming glory that should have been Yours?
The Fruits of the Spirit has been my goal,
Striving to reach them to make me whole.

Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering,
Gentleness, Goodness, I try to bring
To all whose path I seem to cross.
And yet, my heart is at a loss.

In Faith and meekness, I must agree
These traits are only seen in Thee.
Lord, Lift this heavy beam from my eye.
In my atonement, Hear My CRY~~~~~



Music: "Sweet Hour Of Prayer"

Performed By Wanda Fischer
Used With Permission
