~An Hour With You~

Look upon the russet rose,
Autumn time will be its last,
Its fragrance wans through life,
Through its heart love's past.

Cherish the russet rose,
Absorb the essence divine,
Precious is the gift given,
Passing with the changing time.

Hold forth the rose's beauty,
Its petals turn toward the sky,
Leaves droop and fall below,
Where autumn's beauty dies.

Dew upon the roses,
Tears upon the ground,
Bring forth new life,
As spring comes around.

Once again there will be roses,
The russet will live once more,
We will meet in another land,
To love upon heaven's shore.

Gayle Davisİ
November 8, 2005

İUltimate Designs Graphics 2003-2005

Music: "Someday"

Original Composition And
Performance By: John Torp
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy His Music



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