~ An Hour With You ~

"Precious Lord"

Precious Lord you are mine
You are with me all the time,
Though the trials come and go my way,
You said to trust your love it means so much,
In your love Lord...... I will always stay.

Forever I will stay close to my Lord
Until someday He'll come to take me away
I will go to my mansion in the sky,
Up there no tears will ever dim the eye,
There I'll live with Jesus for all Eternity!

My precious Lord, how so loving you are
How you care for your children each day,
Though many times we stray away,
You reach down your hand to say,
Stay close by, "My child," Stay close by.

Gentle Jesus to you, I humbly kneel
I feel your presence oh so very real,
You understand my every hurt and pain,
Its why you died upon the tree,
You suffered to bring new life to me.

Bernice Ward ©

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Music: "Lord Keep Your Hand On Me"

Performed By Wanda Fischer
Used With Permission

