~ An Hour With You~

Photography by Don Paulson

I love the days of yesteryear,
Time seemed to not pass so fast,
The times when I was just a child,
Sweet memories that still last.

I recall the old windmill out in the yard,
Where I used to climb and play,
The spinning of the wheel by the wind,
Storing water in the tank each day.

The old smoke house falling into ruin,
The smell of smoked meat still lingers,
Oh, the times I would sneak inside,
To touch the hams with my fingers.

The old house is not fit for living,
It has fallen into disuse o'er the years,
Yet it is still e'er beautiful to me,
As I stand and choke back the tears.

Memories of days gone by,
They haunt this aging soul,
Many days of happiness spent,
Found in stories we siblings told.

I would like for a little while,
To revert back into this special time,
To relive the precious memories,
That I cherish and hold as mine.

I would like to race across the yard,
With a sister running by my side,
A brother chasing along after us,
The days of youth that time's denied.

I live in memories more these days,
Recalling all the times then spent.
Happiness abounded in our spirit,
The return to such times I do lament.

I face the future though dim it seems,
With less memories to create,
But alone the way the sun will shine,
These aging moments to placate.

Gayle Davis©
October 9, 2005


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Music: "Memory"
Diversi-Tune™ Midi Files
Sequenced By: Bill Basham
Used With Permission

