~ An Hour With You~

I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
John 10:14

Lamb of God you are my dwelling place
You are the fountain of heavenly grace,
You are wonderful, Counselor, prince of peace,
Living in your presence, we find sweet relief.

You fill our hearts with heavenly joy
As we step out upon your promises,
Walking in God's pathway is our task,
Living close to Jesus, gives sweet rest at last.

Worship the Lord and lets crown Him king
The love of God brings peace with in,
He is our over shadowing Lord,
The bitter cup for me was out poured.

At your ever lasting wings we'll hide
Resting in Your love, staying by your side,
You are our Savior, so loving and kind,
The Master is now calling, "Come and Dine.

Lord again we fall down before thee
You are our strength, shield, and guide,
Into your presence we'll conqueror sin
Striving daily many crowns to win.

Bernice's Inspirations
Bernice Ward ©
©Copyright 2005


Artwork: Lost No More © Greg Olsen


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Script courtesy of:

Font Used is French Script MT
Flower Images Courtesy of:

Flower Paint Tubes Courtesy of:

Dings Courtesy of:
Set City

Music: "Your Amazing Love"

By: Elton Smith, Larry Holder & Elizabeth Tolson
Used With Permission
