~An Hour With You~

Her Daddy's Love

Her Daddy’s Love

Her Daddy’s love
Entered her life in seconds
His beautiful hazel twinkling eyes
Showing love and joy in his new baby girl

Kissing her downy locks
Ringlets a beautiful light brown
With lovely sparkling blue eyes
And cute little dimples in her cheeks

Remembering back, playing with Daddy
Laughing and giggling having so much fun
Especially when her darling Daddy
Would set and have pretend tea parties

As she got a little older, not much older
Knowing her Daddy would always protect her
In this very big hectic enormous world
It was a wonderful marvelous feeling
For a very, very little girl

The most marvelous feelings
In this whole wide world
Was when she was a little girl
And now that she is grown

Has always been her Daddy’s love
She always thanks her Heavenly Father
Thank you, God for giving me
A wonderful loving Daddy to love

For now she tells everyone in her life
She will always cherish God’s gift
The gift of her Daddy’s love

©Donna Kramer
May 13, 2005


Dedicated To:
Ashley my Granddaughter
And her loving Daddy





Music: "Her Daddy's Love
M C Shelly Original Music
Written, Arranged and
Performed By: M. C. Shelly
Used With Permission


Assembled By: Donna