~ An Hour With You~

This beautiful print is © Sharon E. Steinhaus
from her Oil Gallery used here with her written permission.
Did you know that you can purchase this and other prints?
Click her name above to find out how and to enjoy her other works.


Memories come skipping by,
Swiftly flashing before my eyes,
Darting in, darting out of my mind,
Bringing happiness, creating smiles.

Days of yesteryear flit around,
Catching memories in hidden veils,
Floating about so gleefully,
Rushing along life’s separate trails.

Hauntingly gliding along memory lane,
Leaving tidbits of bygone days,
Seeking shelter less they are forgotten,
Continue roaming in a timeless craze.

Gayle Davis
March 14, 2003©


Music: "The Windmills Of Your Mind"

Sequenced By: Jack Hall
Used With Permission
