~ An Hour With You~

Struggling Little Angel

Precious little angel,
You mind is all askew,
What are you telling me,
What do you want me to do?

What is it that you want,
What words are left untold,
It breaks my soulful heart,
It is consuming my soul.

Why are you this way,
Communicating escapes you,
The words just won't form,
In spite of all you do.

I sense the frustration,
Hear desperation in your voice,
Precious child loved by God,
I know it is not by choice.

Try again little darling,
To convey your needs,
I will do anything I can,
To help accomplish this deed.

I see you smile so broadly,
When I finally understand,
You gave it every effort,
Gleefully clapping your hands.

I pray for you each day my child,
Asking for divine intervention,
Man does not understand the why,
The problems in your communication.

I love you special angel,
The words you may not can say,
Yet in my heart I know little one,
You love me in every way.

I thank God for giving,
A child to hold and to love,
We will face the future together,
Seeking guidance from above.

Gayle Davisİ
February 4, 2005
For Autistic Children



Sitemap 4

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Music: "Have Faithİ"
Visit Yuko Ohigashi Plays Solo Piano
Original Compostion/Performance of Yuko Ohigashi
Used With Permission
