~ An Hour With You~

White Roses

Look at the beautiful white roses,
How their petals do gleam,
I know how pure your loving heart is,
His glory's a bright beam.

White roses of purity glisten,
Giving the Lord's bright glow,
Such a radiant brilliance exists,
On you His love does show.

Your heart is full of the Lord's sweet love,
You carry no facade,
Always lovingly you do His Will,
Serving our Most High God.

How precious you are to Him and us,
Just as the white roses,
For they live for the Lord just as you,
Our Lord e'er discloses.

Sondra McPherson
November 30, 2003©
~Dedicated to Gayle Davis~
My God-Given Friend




Midi playing "Sweet One"
is copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music.
