~ An Hour With You~

Whispers of God Speak

Whispers of God speak nearly silent,
Yet grasp a heart deep,
Yes He hears the very soul lament,
Whispering, ‘I weep.’

God feels the sorrow that often wells,
He comforts the heart,
Yes loves unconditionally He tells,
Whispers, ‘from the start.’

How well He knows the tormented soul,
Suffering for us,
Whispers of God help souls to be whole,
Thank God for Jesus.

Without our Savior, where would we be,
Whispers of God speak,
They save, heal, deliver you and me,
Bow to Jesus, Seek!

©Sondra McPherson
March 2, 2003





Artwork:Madeleine after Prayer
by Daniel Maclise

"Prayer draws us near to our souls."
~Herman Melville


Music: "Amazing Grace"
Taylor's Traditional Tunebook
"Midi files sequenced by Barry Taylor."
Used With Permission
