~An Hour With You~

The Words In Your Eyes

Your eyes speak volumes,
I ne’er heard you say a word,
Yet each time you spoke,
The silent sound I heard.

Our eyes locked in conversation,
You and I both know the reason,
God has reminded us of a promise,
Heavenly love knows no season.

You are saying phrases,
Which captivate my soul,
You are making vows,
Of a love as yet untold.

My heart is kindled by you,
‘I want you to be so near,
The words you keep saying,
Have totally erased all fear.

God has given as He promised,
A chosen love for you and me,
We will be His example,
Of how a blessed love will be.

Gayle Davis
April 29, 2003©


Midi playing "Who We Are"
is copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music.

Artwork: Paola and Francesca
by Edward Charles Halle

Quote: "I love thee to the depth and breadth
and height my soul can reach..
~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Web Mistress~LadyGayle