~An Hour With You~



The Music In My Soul

My heart choruses a love song for You,
Your sweetness ever keeps me whole,
And Your fragrance so like a rose with dew,
Brings out the music in my soul.

My heart sings love songs just because of You,
And sweet refrains from The Old Scroll,
My love springs forth to You my Lord so true,
You are the music in my soul.

My heart creates sweet melodies for You,
Lovely angels ring out their role,
All over heaven, sounds of bells chime through,
Filling the music in my soul.

My heart exalts You Jesus and I sing,
You're the Red Rose Who paid my toll,
I play all keyboards for my Most High King,
My Love, the music in my soul.

My heart tenderly whispers I love You,
My Lord, my Savior
I extol,
Forever You're with me and You imbue,
Sweet Love, the music in my soul.

©Sondra McPherson
May 30, 2004


Midi playing "My Heart Sings"
is copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music.
