~ An Hour With You~

The Light

The light that guides me,
Emits from God above,
I was once a sinner lost,
Until I found His love.

I am anchored deep within,
He leads me upon my way,
I call out Christ's name,
He is with me each passing day.

I feel alone in the darkness,
My heart quivers in fear,
Then I feel God's tender touch,
My heart stills for He is near.

Life becomes as a storm,
All around me turmoil rages,
Gently Jesus calms my soul,
He leads me through life's stages.

He is my beloved Father,
The very beat of my heart,
To reach safety's harbor,
I am guided by Jesus' chart.

Gayle Davis
September 16, 2004©


Midi playing "Weathering The Storm" By: Bruce Deboer
is copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music.
