~ An Hour With You~

Sweet Angel Girl



Sweet Angel Girl

Sweet Angel Girl, sleep in the arms of our Lord,
And drink from the cup of His Divine blessings,
Let angels serenade you in sweet accord,
With heavenly songs, angelic refreshings,

Hear their songs chorus to soothe your weary soul,
And allow the loving Presence of Jesus,
To caress you in His Arms and make you whole,
Have quiet rest as a peaceful hush does bless,

Touches e’er gently to calm your aching heart,
Serenely relinquish your very essence,
For our loving Lord is waiting to impart,
Infinitely giving His Divine Presence,

Oh you'll have perfect peace, He's ever willing,
He's our sufficiency, delight in His love,
Rest your mind, He's capable of fulfilling,
Arduous desires or needs, yield all Above,

Sweet Angel Girl, Oh listen to heaven's song,
Beautifully angels will sing you asleep,
As they're guided in the nights for you belong,
To Jesus, He's yours, He's mine, always to keep.

©Sondra McPherson
October 11, 2002
~Inspired by LadyGayle~
Sweet Angel Girl

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Music: "Forever"

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