~ An Hour With You~

She Beckons

Her sails stretch forth,
Like a woman’s arms, inviting,
Drawing, beckoning to me.

Take my controls, guide and lead me,
 Onward into the blueness,
Of the vast and open sea.

No time is lost in accepting,
The charming invitation,
We move into the wind anticipating.

We sail uncharted waters,
Together we become as one,
We sail along, slowly navigating.

Suddenly she becomes unsteady,
She is displeased with me,
Tossing me astern and bow.

She is like another lady,
Together we cruised the seas,
Yet she was displeased somehow.

Next time I will navigate,
Without anyone, just me,
I will be completely at ease.

I will heed no lady that beckons,
She will have no control o’er me,
I will have only me to please.

Gayle Davis
August 25, 2003©


Midi playing "By The Sea"
is copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music.

Photograph courtesy of:
