~ An Hour With You~

Lord, you have given me a desire.
You've kindled a flash within me.
Now Lord ignite my heart on fire.
Consume me 'till you're all I see.

In me let your fervent love ablaze,
an ardent flame never to be blown out,
but burn brightly through all my days,
showing others what you're all about.

Let it illuminate the darkened night.
Those who are cold and alone, draw near,
so you may gaze at His glorious light,
receive His perfect love, loose your fear.

May the sparks fly intimately close by,
consuming souls with your zealous passion,
touching those who are hurting and cry why.
Heal their every pain and have compassion.

Like the colors at the essence of the fire,
may they see you in me for who you really are,
not a religious god, but a Father who desires
a personal bond with us for you're never far.

©TinasHeart 7/23/93
revised on 10/03/01







Midi: Jesus Is The Light

By: Elton Smith and Larry Holder
Used With Permission

