My Husband, My Love

Met him on a quiet evening,
Moon was shining bright,
Stars twinkling in the sky,
On a soft and peaceful night.

He smiled a beautiful smile,
With a glow in his beautiful eyes,
Having a twinkle and sparkle,
In his soft green eyes.

Fell in love with this gentle soul,
On this bright moon lit night,
Was not too long afterwards,
He made me his loving wife.

The way he touches me,
When he happens to walk by,
Then I always turn to look at him,
Seeing total love in his eyes.

Knowing he will protect me,
Through all our hard times,
Teaching me how to enjoy my life,
Not to be serious all the time.

Knowing his faith in God and love,
Will always be the center of his life,
I realize how very lucky I have been,
That this wonderful, loving man,
Made me his wife.

Donna J. Kramer
May 31, 2004



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